Maintenance of road tankers, storages and pumps for cryogenic gases
The work carried out by A.L.Cryo on cryogenic tanks and storages covers all customer requirements and ranges from the installation of ship’s lashing hooks, to revamping, to more complex and customized work, always and in any case in full compliance with regulations.
Interventions that A.L.Cryo can carry out on Cryogenic Tanks and road tankers:
Periodical revision with Notified Body
Reassessment of conformity according to the TPED Directive
Revamping old tanks/storages
Transfer/Installation of tanker on new trailer
Repair of tanks/storages
Realization of new piping
Installation of pumps/generators
Construction/installation of electrical panels
Maintenance (Checks and Mechanical repairs on rolling stock and bodywork parts – Cryogenic pumps – Shunting valves – Evaporators – Hose pipes etc.).
Varnishing and Applying Company trademarks and logos
Vacuum Check/Reset with Rotative/Roots pumps and helium leak detector
Verification/calibration of safety valves on special test benches with certified pressure gauges
Non Destructive Checks, including radiographic checks
Transfer hose check
Complete maintenance of cryogenic pumps